Upgraded CCTV system Warrington Wolves

Background Information: CCTV Security System and Monitoring System Upgrade
Warrington Wolves were using an outdated CCTV system to monitor a large site. This including the inner section of the stadium, seating areas, and various connected buildings that include both public and private access areas. They had an existing but outdated 10-year-old analogue security system in place, including monitors and cameras.
The Problem:
The current CCTV system used severely outdated hardware. The monitors were bulky and provided poor resolution, and the cameras were all analogue-based. Warrington Wolves wanted to upgrade their control room to something more modern, providing better coverage and image quality. This would assist their security team, the police and ambulance crews in their matchday duties. The installation and setup of the system needed to be done quickly to minimise disruption.
The Solution:
Our solution focused on the installation of an all-new control room. This was completely re-configured and updated to provide a hybrid analogue/digital solution. This included:
- A 64 channel CCTV channel recording box, also including high volume storage.
- The use of both analog and IP CCTV, allowing for future upgrades where needed.
- Updated monitors to modern plasma screens.
- Master controls, also including joystick mechanisms for camera control.
- 39 new cameras.
The upgrade allowed Warrington wolves to effectively monitor all areas of the site and work efficiently with external partners. They now also have the facility to store 2 months of video which is looped and set to overlap. Providing a rolling 2-month coverage inside and outside of the stadium.
Our engineers incorporated the legacy equipment into the new system, resulting in a reduction in the initial cost. This also made the system ‘future proof’, allowing for an upgrade in the future if required.
We completed the work in under 3 weeks using a dedicated team of over 6 engineers. Additionally, we installed new cables, connected new and existing cameras with the new control room and master control equipment. Our engineers completed the work quickly and efficiently to ensure it was ready for the required period and avoided any negative impact on the running of the business.
Work already done for Warrington Wolves
We had previously provided Access Security systems for Warrington Wolves. This system controls access to various private areas of the site.